Critical Illness Risk Assessments
A Critical Illness is certainly not something we expect to experience during the prime years of our life. Many of us do absolutely nothing to plan for it either. The truth is – critical illnesses like heart attacks, strokes and cancers strike Canadians in their prime of life every day. The statistics show that approximately 1/3 of Canadians will suffer from one of those three conditions prior to their 65th birthday.
Critical Illness coverage pays out a lump sum of money upon diagnosis of any of these 3 conditions plus up to 25 other covered life threatening medical conditions, to cover the high costs that could exceed medical insurance benefits. Medical expenses such as private nursing or modifications to your home or vehicle for mobility will not be covered under typical employer-sponsored health plans.
Critical Illness covers the other challenges that your condition or diagnosis present, such as finding the best possible medical care, caring for your children, meeting your day to day needs. It is the coverage for when you survive a life threatening medical condition, to provide you with the means for the best possible quality of life going forward.
It is reassuring to know that if you do encounter a bump in the road of life, your focus can remain on getting the care you need and returning to good health, rather than worrying about money shortages.
Making sure your health is covered is the first step in a worry free recovery.