With a Leveraged Loan, you borrow money with the sole purpose of investing it. If the net return on investment after tax* is higher than the cost of borrowing the…
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Reverse Mortgages
A Reverse Mortgage is a mortgage designed specifically for the changing financial needs of seniors. You must be 60 years of age or older and own a home or condo…
Read MoreGuaranteed Minimum Withdrawal Products (GMWB)
GMWB products are a combination of investments and guarantees. With GMWB products, you get a guaranteed minimum income from your savings each year – starting as early as age 50…
Read MoreHigh Interest Savings Accounts
What is a High Interest Savings Account? A High Interest Savings Account can take many different forms, but there is one characteristic that they all share: higher interest earned on…
Read MoreSegregated Funds
Segregated Fund Investments are a deferred annuity contract between an insurance company and a policy owner. The policy owner makes deposits through the contract and the insurance company invests the money…
Read MoreTFSA (Tax Free Savings Account)
The Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA) is an account that provides tax benefits for saving in Canada. Investment income, including capital gains and dividends earned in a TFSA are not…
Read MoreRRIF (Registered Retirement Income Fund)
A RRIF allows an investor to convert his or her retirement savings into retirement income. Any time before the end of the year you turn 71. RRSP’s must be converted…
Read MoreRRSP (Registered Retirement Savings Plan)
A Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) is a tax-deferred savings account designed for Canadians to save towards their retirement. It is established between the account holder and a registered institution…
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